IUE™ = “Intelligent Use of Energy”
Intercap owns and deploys a U.S. Patented, state-of-the-art, artificial intelligence-based energy monitoring, reporting and management system called “The Intelligent Use of Energy” or IUE™.
How “Intelligent Use of Energy” Works
IUE™ executes minute-by-minute energy-conserving strategies that complement and further sophisticate the Building Management Systems with which it works. Device-level energy consumption is optimized in real time across large campuses and geographically-dispersed portfolios of buildings. In a continuous self-improvement cycle, IUE™ is always on, continuously evaluating and acting on data received.
IUE™ gives site managers the discretion to modify operating parameters and otherwise be in control of their buildings, while still enabling them to optimize energy consumption. By selecting from IUE™’s sophisticated human comfort options, managers can impact on the building data points that will be monitored; HVAC and other device settings that will be optimized; and the parameters within which each
device setting can be changed. IUE™ always focuses on the competing goals of trying to maximize human comfort while minimizing energy consumption. IUE™ monitors critical factors such as temperature, humidity and occupancy in each designated building space and, over time, “learns” the behavior of such spaces under the constantly-changing daily conditions of normal operation. Then, based on real time satellite weather forecasts; space schedules as well as actual occupancy-sensor feeds; and, where relevant, energy pricing and other supply constraints, it modifies machine settings as often as needed to optimize and reduce energy consumption. IUE™ achieves these goals using artificial intelligence and neural network learning systems.
Benefits of IUE™
The benefits for large end users (governments and the military, large companies and universities) are clear. Deploying IUE™ will translate immediately to reduced energy costs and dramatically improved ability to control and reduce emissions. IUE™ allows building managers to better control their buildings; executives to better manage one of their most important cost categories; and utilities and ISOs to deal creatively and effectively with capacity issues.